Intentions Therapy is fully virtual. All therapy and coaching sessions are hosted by Dani Sullivan, LCSW securely through online telehealth software.
Individual Therapy is available to clients who reside in Florida and Illinois.
Coaching Services are offered worldwide.
Individual Therapy & Coaching
Cultivate alignment, clarify your needs and grow in self-compassion. Explore the intersections of your identities and experience within an affirming therapeutic relationship.
Individual Therapy is available to clients in Florida and Illinois, Individual Coaching is available worldwide.
Deepen your healing journey with the power of Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy. Experience frequent breakthroughs and sustained improvement in symptoms with KAP.
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
KAP is available to clients in Florida and Illinois
Nurture your relationships through growth and change. Find support and attunement in your relationships with friends, family, partners or significant others. Learn to communicate your boundaries with love and hold space for one another's desires.
Gain direction, clarity and security working with an interdisciplinary clinician and educator. Support your professional and creative goals through mentoring and consultation.