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Neuroqueer Connections 2024
Welcome to Neuroqueer Connections, a supportive online community fostering understanding and connection for those navigating the intersection of neurodivergence, queer identities, and race.
Join our 90-minute virtual group sessions led by Dani Sullivan, LCSW, and Kim Konopka, LCSW.
This is an emotionally nurturing virtual space to explore your truth vulnerably, and access peer support. In this virtual group, we will explore living outside of white, cisgender, heteronormative and neurotypical expectations. This support group highlights the importance of gathering in community, in a time of increased isolation, to find belonging. This group exists because we need one another to feel and heal. This group is trauma-informed and grounded in an informed-consent model.
As a virtual group, our shared space will be a place to focus on wellness and personal growth as we orient towards present and future goals. Together, we will uncover barriers to achieving those goals, and hold each other accountable in affirming ways. This group aims to be a supplementary resource for peer support, in conjunction with other forms of support in your life.
Connect with affirming community, gain social support, perspective and resources to navigate your world and relationships. We encourage interested folks to apply at any time throughout the year and explore drop-in and long-term community commitment options.
This group seeks to build an emotionally nurturing, curious virtual community by hosting by-weekly group meetings over the course of a year. Neuroqueer Connections has ongoing enrollment; this means you can join at any time for a single group, multiple groups, or every group in this year's cycle. Apply with the button below:
Neuroqueer Connections has open and rolling enrollment. Group sessions occur every other Wednesday from 5:00-6:30 pm EST. See Schedule Below.
This Community Is for You If:
You identify as queer*, or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community AND
You identify as neurodivergent*, or having a bodymind that diverges from neuronormative standards or expectations (no ‘formal diagnosis’ required, self-identification is liberatory!)
You may be a person of color seeking inclusive community or you might be a white person who is actively invested in anti-racist practices**
You seek an affirming and compassionate community to heal and explore your truth
You want to feel connected, confident and affirmed in a world that doesn’t always celebrate your unique and intersecting identities
You want to move beyond just survival and you need tools and resources to help you thrive & reach your goals
You're figuring out how to navigate self-care and self-expression and you want to connect with others who get it and are doing the same
You value intersectional identities and celebrate diversity. You are open to being challenged and changing your mind.
You may live in one of these states: CA, IL, FL, NJ, or NY.
If you are wondering if you are queer or neurodivergent ‘enough,’ the answer is yes; please join us!
*We use the words “queer” and “neurodivergent” in the most inclusive context. We see queer and neurodivergent as umbrella terms that encompass a host of complex and intersecting identities
**BIPOC participation in this group is highly encouraged, with options for BIPOC-only break-out spaces facilitated by Kim

Meet the Facilitators:
Kim Konopka & Dani Sullivan

Kim Konopka, LCSW
Kim Konopka, LCSW often works with neurodivergent QTBIPOC and intercountry adoptees. Kim aims to facilitate accessible community connection by centering collaboration, curiosity and compassion. They are known for their playfulness, emotive expression and moments of quiet reflection. Kim is the Founder of Yung Mee Psychotherapy

Dani Sullivan LCSW
Dani Sullivan, LCSW is a white, queer, non-binary and multiply neurodivergent therapist, coach and author. Founder of Intentions Therapy, Dani is a tender hearted space holder committed to celebrating intersectional 2SLGBTQIA+ identities and building offerings of collective care for their clients and community. Dani is the author of "Intention"
One-time Drop-In Rates (1 session commitment)
Reduced Fee: $75/group
Actual Cost: $85/group
Pay it Forward: $100/group
Pay What You Can (BIPOC only): starting at $5*
Drop-in sessions are ideal for those who are interested in exploring Neuroqueer Connections. This drop-in option includes participation in 1 group session only. For payment, the card on file will be charged automatically 24-48 hours prior to group. Participants may register for future groups at a discounted rate as returning members.
Returning Member Rates (2 or more groups)
Reduced Fee: $55/group for 4 sessions
Actual Cost: $65/group for 4 sessions
Pay it Forward: $75/group for 4 sessions
Pay What You Can (BIPOC only): starting at $5*
This option includes on-going group participation. This option is ideal for those who are interested in building long term, accessible community through Neuroqueer Connections, and/or returning participants. This option includes participation in a minimum of 4 groups. For payment, the card on file will be charged automatically 24-48 hours prior to group.
Long term community commitment payment options are more financially accessible than drop in rates to encourage ongoing participation and community building.
*Pay What You Can spots beginning at the rate of $5 are reserved for Neuroqueer Connections participants of color.
What to Expect from Group Sessions:
1st group each month - Community Care Process Group: Member check ins and community support are the focus of our shared time.
2nd group each month - Exploration & Resourcing Group: Deep diving into community-identified topics, focusing shared time on exploring topics, practicing relevant skills and resourcing.
Each 90-minute session will meet virtually on Zoom. Group content and focus will ebb and flow based on present member needs. You can expect 3 constants from every session:
Group starts with member check-ins where you can share your current needs, goals and life experiences
Integrative playground - 10-15 minutes of resourcing / skill practice (guided meditations, resource tapping, somatic practices, creative expression, yoga)
Closing reflections with one-word takeaways from each community member
Are you accepting new clients?Yes! I currently have a few openings in my practice for new individual clients or relationship/couples clients. Reach out today to book a free consultation and see if working together is a good fit. I do not accept insurance and these sessions are private pay. I have limited availability for new therapy or coaching clients, and give priority to trans and gender non conforming folks as well as care workers or individuals in the mental health field. You can inquire about availability here. To stay up to date on my services, group offerings and newly released resources, please subscribe to my newsletter and follow @intentionstherapy on instagram.
What services do you provide?I offer a range of fully virtual services: Individual Therapy (for clients in FL & IL) Individual Coaching Relationship Coaching Professional Consultation Neuroqueer Groups You can explore my current service offerings here.
What is your approach to therapy and healing?I use an interdisciplinary and client-centered approach. Tailoring treatment plans to the unique needs of my clients, I pull from many modalities, theories, and wellness practices. I believe healing happens in connection, and my approach is identity-informed. All of my services are LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent affirming, trauma informed, and delivered through an ongoing process of informed consent. To read more about my therapeutic approach & training, click here.
What is the difference between Therapy & Coaching?I offer virtual therapy services to clients who live in the states of Florida and Illinois as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Therapy services address clinical concerns and are provided by mental health professionals who have completed graduate-level training programs in social work, marriage and family counseling or clinical psychology. Therapy is a regulated mental health service that may involve the diagnosis and treatment of a mental health condition. Coaching services can be provided to clients regardless of location. I offer individual coaching, relationship coaching, and professional consultations to folks worldwide. Coaching services do not involve therapeutic treatment, evaluation, and diagnostic assessment. If you are looking for support with treating a mental health concern, seeking diagnostic clarity, or clinical assessment, you are seeking therapeutic services. Individual coaching and relationship coaching may not be a good fit for individuals who need therapy, but could supplement outside therapeutic support. Coaching services accessed through Intentions Therapy are provided by Dani Sullivan, LCSW, a trained therapist and clinical social worker. If I assess that your needs are better suited for therapy, I will support you in finding local resources and getting connected with a therapist in your state. Reach out for services.
Do you accept insurance? Can I use my Out-of-Network Benefits?Intentions Therapy does not accept insurance at this time. All services provided by Intentions Therapy are private-pay. We accept all major credit cards as well as payment in the form of HSA/FSA cards. If you are covered by an insurance plan, it's likely your Out-of-Network benefits will cover part or all of the cost. To use your OON insurance benefits, we have a self-serve (DIY) option and a support service option: Do It Yourself: Reach out to your insurance company and ask about your out-of-network mental health benefits. Inquire with your insurance about the process to get reimbursed. Ask about the percentage of reimbursement you can expect for therapy sessions. If you do have out-of-network benefits, I can supply you (monthly or as needed) with completed forms called "superbills" that have all the information necessary to file a claim for out-of-network reimbursement yourself. Get Support: To make OON reimbursement as easy as possible for my clients, I have partnered with Mentaya. This is an online service that streamlines getting reimbursed for your therapy sessions through out-of-network benefits. Mentaya charges a 5% fee per claim, which includes handling any paperwork required, dealing with denials, and calling your insurance company. Clients who work with Mentaya get reimbursed 62% on average per session. Sign up for Mentaya here. Once you register, they will check your benefits and let you know your reimbursement percentage. I enter our sessions on their portal, Mentaya submits your claims and handles all insurance follow up, and you get reimbursed! Please note: Superbills can not be provided for coaching or group services. Out-of-network reimbursement is for therapy services only and requires your therapist to share a DSM diagnosis with your insurance provider.
How does your sliding scale work?Intentions Therapy utilizes a managed sliding scale for therapy and coaching services that has 5 distinct tiers. Each tier has a range of prices for hourly services as well as a set number of available spots. I ask my clients to commit to paying the highest affordable rate at this time, and we reassess financial sustainability at 3 month intervals. I offer a wide sliding scale as an effort to distribute services and resources equitably among the population that I serve. I have limited sliding scale availability in my practice, and I prioritize trans and gender non-conforming BIPOC individuals as well as QTBIPOC therapists and care workers. Sliding scale spots are for clients who would not be able to afford my full price rates. Sliding Scale Rates for Therapy and Coaching Services: Redistribution - $225/hour Full Cost - $200/hour (8 spots available) Sustain - $175/hour (6 spots available) Solidarity - $150/hour (4 spots available) Reparations - $100-125/hour (4 spots available) Self Assessment & Determining Your Rate Respond to the following prompts with 'Yes' or 'No' Are you and/or your family homeowners or landowners? Have you (or could you have) attended college and/or graduate school? Are your bills or credit cards on autopay? Or are you able to make minimum payments on bills and credit cards? Do you have access to family money and resources in times of need? Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends? Have you been able to easily access and afford healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members? Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income? Do you pay other practitioners full price? Do you have U.S. Citizenship? Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones? Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property? Do you travel recreationally? Or regularly treat yourself to meals out, new clothes, and outings? Do you have high earning power (even if you aren't using it right now) from college degree(s), being able-bodied, or due to race, gender, social networks, and family connections. If you answered all yes - Redistribution If you answered almost all yes - Full Cost If you answered more yes than no - Sustain If you answered more no than yes - Solidarity If you answered almost all no - Reparations These reflection prompts are adapted and expanded from AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Center). This self assessment is meant to be a guide, not a rule. This sliding scale relies on honesty, accountability, and respect for the multiple realities of economic access and privilege that exist in our communities. Please let me know if you have any questions when you reach out!
Do you have a cancellation policy?I require 24 hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments. This policy applies to all services, including group therapy. Without 24 hour notice before a cancellation or rescheduled appointment, the session you booked will be billed in full. If an individual therapy or relationship coaching client is over 15 mins late for a session without notice, it is marked as a 'no show' and billed in full.
What are your hours?In Session Hours occur between 9am-5pm EST on weekdays (Monday-Thursday). Please note, I do not provide 24-hour crisis services. If a life-threatening crisis should occur, contact a crisis hotline, call 911, or go to a hospital emergency room. As an individual provider who is not in a group practice, I am generally in a session during working hours and am unavailable outside of working hours.
How do I get started?If you would like to explore the possibility of working together, please reach out directly using this contact form to discuss eligibility and next steps.
What is Ketamine?Ketamine is a legal, safe and effective medicine used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD. Ketamine has rapidly-acting antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects, which can begin to take effect within 1-2 hours after treatment and last for up to 2 weeks. It works by blocking the brain’s NMDA receptors as well as by stimulating AMPA receptors, which are thought to help form new synaptic connections and boost neural circuits that regulate stress and mood. Ketamine has also been shown to enhance overall neuroplasticity for lasting symptom improvement. Ketamine can be administered in a variety of ways, including IV infusion, intramuscular injection, via nasal spray and using sublingual lozenges. In my work with Journey Clinical we only use the sublingual lozenge form.
How Does Ketamine Feel?The effects of ketamine, which most patients find pleasant, last for approximately 45 minutes. These effects can make you feel “far from” your body, and facilitate shifts in perception that can often feel expansive in nature. Your motor and verbal abilities will be reduced, so you’ll be lying down in a comfortable position during the experience. Once these acute effects subside, we’ll spend the remainder of our appointment giving you space to process and discuss your experience. While it may feel hard to articulate what happened during the experience, patients feel like the insights gained are none-the-less clear. Studies have shown that the benefits to mood and neurological growth can last up to two weeks after the Ketamine experience.
Do you offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) sessions virtually or in person?At Intentions Therapy, we offer both in-person and virtual (Remote KAP) sessions to best suit your needs. In-person KAP sessions are available within the Chicagoland area. I provide services in the comfort of your home, with an additional $50 fee for transportation. Virtual KAP sessions require an in-person chaperone to ensure your safety and provide a supportive environment during the therapy. This flexibility allows me to provide personalized and accessible care to my clients in both Florida and Illinois. I encourage clients to choose the most convenient and comfortable option for your KAP journey.
What do I need to know about having a chaperone for virtual KAP sessions?You can review the chaperone guidelines on Journey Clinical’s website to learn more about the support needed to engage in virtual (or remote) KAP sessions.
What is the Cost of Treatment?Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an affordable, accessible modality. Although the medical intake and follow ups are not covered by insurance, they are eligible for out-of-network reimbursement. Journey Clinical Medical Costs: First-time patients: - Initial medical consultation with Journey Clinical: $250 - Cost of medication: $88 (enough for 2 dosing sessions) Ongoing treatment: - Follow-up medical consultation with Journey Clinical $150 (at least 1X per quarter) - Cost of medication: $148 (enough for up to 6 sessions) Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Costs: Preparation and Integration Sessions are scheduled for an hour. These sessions are billed at my typical hourly rate of $200/hour Dosing Sessions are scheduled for 3 hours. My hourly rate for dosing sessions is $150/hour In-home sessions are available in the Chicagoland area, if you are pursuing KAP and would like to meet in person within your home, there is an additional fee of $50 for my time spent commuting.
Do you offer sliding scale pricing for KAP?Intentions Therapy operates using an anti-oppressive sliding scale fee structure with several different fee tiers for therapy sessions with me. I offer a wide sliding scale as an effort to distribute services and resources equitably among the population that I serve. I have limited sliding scale availability in my practice, and I prioritize trans and gender non-conforming BIPOC individuals as well as QTBIPOC therapists and care workers. Sliding scale spots are for clients who would not be able to afford my full price rates. Sliding Scale Rates for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Services: Redistribution - $225/hour for prep & integration sessions $180/hour for medicine sessions Full Cost - $200/hour for prep & integration sessions $150/hour for medicine sessions Sustain - $175 for prep & integration sessions $125/hour for medicine sessions Solidarity - $150 for prep & integration sessions $105/hour for medicine sessions Reparations - $100-125 for prep & integration sessions $75-90/hour for medicine sessions Self Assessment & Determining Your Rate Respond to the following prompts with 'Yes' or 'No', and count the number of times that you answered 'Yes'. Use the guide below to locate your fee on my sliding scale. Are you and/or your family homeowners or landowners? Have you (or could you have) attended college and/or graduate school? Are your bills or credit cards on autopay? Or are you able to make minimum payments on bills and credit cards? Do you have access to family money and resources in times of need? Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends? Have you been able to easily access and afford healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members? Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income? Do you pay other practitioners full price? Do you have U.S. Citizenship? Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones? Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property? Do you travel recreationally? Or regularly treat yourself to meals out, new clothes, and outings? Do you have high earning power (even if you aren't using it right now) from college degree(s), being able-bodied, or due to race, gender, social networks, and family connections. If you answered all yes - Redistribution If you answered almost all yes - Full Cost If you answered more yes than no - Sustain If you answered more no than yes - Solidarity If you answered almost all no - Reparations These reflection prompts are adapted and expanded from AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Center). This self assessment is meant to be a guide, not a rule.
Where can I learn more about KAP?A great place to get started: Journey Clinical offers a KAP 101 webpage with tons of introductory information. Here are a few introductory resources: What is ketamine-assisted psychotherapy? (article) Science behind ketamine and the brain (video) The impact KAP has had in real people's lives (video) Further Listening about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy: Andrew Huberman's 90 minute podcast into how KAP works (podcast & video) Interview with Lauren Taus on how psychedelics are changing therapy (video) Further personal experiences of some who tried ketamine (video playlist) Here are a few resources to explore the research and clinical benefits of KAP: Paradigms of Ketamine Treatment by Raquel Bennett, Psy.D. for MAPS Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP): Patient Demographics, Clinical Data and Outcomes in Three Large Practices Administering Ketamine with Psychotherapy - research study by Jennifer Dore et al, 2018 Ketamine for Depression and Mood Disorders by Erica Zelfand, ND for Townsend Letter Ketamine-Facilitated Psychotherapy for Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression by goop Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with Jonathan Sabbagh of Journey Clinical - Psychology Talk Podcast
How do I get started?If you would like to explore the possibility of working with me on KAP, please reach out directly using this contact form to discuss eligibility and next steps.
What can I expect from your support groups?Neuroqueer Connections is a group that I co-facilitate with Kim Konopka, LCSW of Yungmee Psychotherapy. This group is hosted bi-weekly and has flexible payment and commitment options. This group meets for 90 minutes every other Wednesday evening and has open, ongoing enrollment. This means you can join at any time for a single group, multiple groups or every group in this years cycle. This group offering seeks to build an emotionally nurturing, curious virtual community for those navigating the intersection of neurodivergence, queer identities and race. Neuroqueer Connections is facilitated by Kim Konopka, LCSW and Dani Sullivan, LCSW. Connect with neurodivergent and queer kin, gain social support, perspective and resources to navigate your world and relationships. Once you apply to join our group, we will follow up with information on registration and scheduling.
Am I a good fit for a support group?If you are a neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ adult who is looking to share time and space within intentional healing community, this group is for you. Virtual Support groups can be helpful by provide a safe space to share your growth, learn coping strategies, and find comfort in community. Neuroqueer Connections is accepting applications from clients who reside in CA, FL, IL, NJ, and NY.
How can I learn more about Neuroqueer Connections?You can read more about Neuroqueer Connections Group Offering here. You can apply to join our live group sessions here. If you are interested in learning more about our group, subscribe to our Neuroqueer Newsletter. This email newsletter is how we share information about our community. You can expect reminders to register for upcoming groups, updates and resources from the group facilitators, and reflection prompts and materials discussed in group. Our intention is to honor our commitment to collective care by sharing this information, especially for those who were unable to attend group as planned, or for those who can benefit from written updates. We also hope our newsletter serves as a sample of what participation in this virtual community space might look like, for anyone who is wondering if Neuroqueer Connections might be a good fit for them.
What is the cost of group?Neuroqueer Connections has 2 commitment options that are both offered at a sliding scale. Short-term Commitment (1 drop in session only) Reduced Fee: $75/group Actual Cost: $85/group Pay it Forward: $100/group Pay What You Can (as little as $5) for BIPOC members Drop in commitment is ideal for those who are interested in exploring Neuroqueer Connections. This option includes participation in 1 group session only. For payment, the card on file will be charged automatically 24-48 hours prior to group. Participants may register for future groups at a discounted rate as returning members. Returning Member Commitment (if you return for multiple sessions you are considered a returning member) Reduced Fee: $55/group for 4 sessions Actual Cost: $65/group for 4 sessions Pay it Forward: $75/group for 4 sessions Pay What You Can (as little as $5) for BIPOC members This option includes on-going group participation. This option is ideal for those who are interested in building long term, accessible community through Neuroqueer Connections, and/or returning participants. This option includes participation in a minimum of 2 groups. For payment, the card on file will be charged automatically 24-48 hours prior to group. Long term community commitment payment options are more financially accessible than drop in rates to encourage ongoing participation and community building.
How do I get started with group?Join our community by submitting your application here. The group facilitators will follow up with next steps within 5 business days. If you would like to sign up for updates and resources, subscribe to our Neuroqueer Newsletter. All are welcome to sign up for newsletter updates, you do not need to be an active group member or client. This email newsletter is our way of sharing free resources and updates with the community.